About: Installed a patch or a mod but didn't like it? You're in the right place! This page contains default NBA 2K14 files included in the main game directory. Please be advised that these are only partial backups. We do not provide the whole game itself.

This page is currently under construction, please check back soon.
List of original NBA 2K14 files
- Scroreboard [newscorebug.iff]
- Team logos pack [logos###.iff]
- Shoes pack [shoe_xx_###.iff]
- Jersey pack [xxx###.iff]
- Global [global.iff]
- Start-up screen [titlepage.iff]
- Overlay & watermark [gooeyoverlaysstatic.iff]
- Original soundtrack [jukeboxmusic.bin]
- More to be added soon...
Restoring the original files
- Decompress the package using WinRAR or 7-zip into NBA 2K14 main game folder.
Default game directories
Windows 32-bit: C:\Program Files\2K Sports\NBA 2K14
Windows 64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\2K Sports\NBA 2K14
• NBA 2K14 Steam version
Windows: 32-bit: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\NBA 2K14
Windows: 64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\NBA 2K14
• Custom game directory
- Right click the NBA 2K14 desktop shortcut then select "Open File Folder/Location".
Requesting for a specific file
- You can leave a comment below and we will try to add the file in this directory as soon as possible. Asking for the nba2k14.exe file is not allowed, so don't even bother.